(As I start writing this a thunderstorm has blown up and much needed rain is
falling. We don't often hear the rumbling of thunder in Melbourne so it is a
welcome sound from the skies.)

Our community garden is very little, on the side of a neightbourhood hall.
There are eight family plot holders and we have attached ourselves as a
little sister of a nearby garden with 45 plots.

My question is for all of you wonderful community gardeners out there...what
are some good plants to grow on the building side of our garden? It gets
morning sun until about 11am as the community hall is two stories tall and
casts shade which completely covers our plots at about 2.30pm. (spring). The
garden in total is about 35m long and 4-5m wide, with the hall running the
full length of the plots. The community garden is only about 4 months old,
previously it was a little used grassed area on sandy soil. The plots are
all along the eastern fence, away from the building to maximise sun, so the
community planting area, which is shared, runs along the building in less
favorable conditions, with space left for a potting table, shed and compost
bins. Beds are about .5-1m wide. What we'd like to plant are food plants
which we could all share, or would help attract beneficial animals. We plan
to leave a small area for plants indigenous to our area. If you have tried
vegies or herbs in similar conditions or have ideas for choosing or helping
plants grow here please let me know. We will be working by trial and error
but it would be great to have some other experience to add to our knowledge

Sorry about rambling on, happy gardening, and a wonderful autumn harvest to
all of you in the northern hemisphere!

Tamsin Salehian
Dig In Community Garden
Melbourne, Australia

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