Today it was made official! The City of Ottawa voted to include
community gardens as a designated use of the site! See for details!

Viva BUGs! Viva!

Dwayne Hodgson
Help Save BUGs Committee

-----Original Message-----
From: Robyn Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 9, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [cg] Campaign to save Bytowne Urban Gardens,
Ottawa,Ontario, Canada

Congratulations!  Good work!

Robyn Stewart
City Parks Foundation
1234 Fifth Ave, room 232
New York, NY 10029
(212) 360-2744

>>> Seamus Vanderkelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/09/03 10:53AM >>>
Dear fellow urban community gardeners:
I wrote you in the spring to let you know about the threat to a
community garden in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Bytowne Urban Gardens
(BUGs) is in its 7th growing season on a piece of vacant land owned by
the City of Ottawa. This year, the City bureaucrats have applied to
rezone the property to accommodate an ambulance station and potentially
an apartment building. 
The BUGs participants have mobilized to ask that the garden would also
be designated as an official use of the site, and two weeks ago, they
won! After some intense lobbying and with the leadership of the local
ward councillor, the Planning and Development Committee of the City of
Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) unanimously approved an amendment to a rezoning
proposal to stipulate that the community garden should be a mandatory
component of that site. The final decision will be made tomorrow
(September 10) at a City of Ottawa Council meeting, but it is expected
that they will not overturn a unanimous decision of their own
If it passes tomorrow as we hope, this will be a major victory for BUGs
and for the community garden movement in Ottawa. The downside is that
the property is still vulnerable to an appeal from a developer to be
granted variance from the new zoning. As well, there is currently no
formal designation in the zoning system for "community garden". This
will be the next step and the local Community Garden Network will be
lobbying for this in the next few weeks. 
If any of you have experience in getting a zoning designation for
community gardens, I'd appreciate some "pro-tips". Please write me @
Thanks! Viva BUGs! Viva!
Dwayne Hodgson

Help Save BUGs! 
A coalition to keep the
Community Garden in 
Centretown, Ottawa.

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