
I too had to work, so I could not be at the conference as well.
 I'm sure Democratic candidate for NY State Governor, currently NYS Attorney
General Spitzer gave an inspiring speech.

 After  all, NYS Attorney General Spitzer has to assume that  we're all
registered voters (if not all registered Democrats. )  And that he expects
that we'll make an effort to vote and get out the vote for him - a community
garden friendly NYS Governor would be a treasure beyond rubies and pearls.

Before we start cavilling that the settlement was not "perfect," we have to
remember that Attorney General Spitzer managed as much justice for us as could
have been managed under the circumstances. After all, for the other tango
partner in settlement , The City of New York  was still "Giuliani Time," mode
when the settlement was signed. Thankfully  Mayor Bloomberg figured that
settling the lawsuit was a good thing to have done so he could make his play
for the failed West Side Jet's Stadium. He lost on that one, but the city and
the gardeners won.

With this community garden settlement, gardeners did pretty darn well:

The Attorney General's Settlement gave us five years for our gardens:
1) Five years  to make our case to the communities surrounding our gardens to
keep them and support them

2) Five years to build up constituents in our communities who will stand with
us when that ULURP clock starts ticking again, Five years to make ourselves
indispensible to our neighbhoods.

3) And Five years, do the work necessary to have real political support when
the settlement sunsets - This time, like all time is precious, and Attorney
General Spitzer's Community Garden Settlement bought us this precious time. We
all did out part as activists, but

So it's payback time. In the world of power and politics, Community Gardeners
are now seen as  having  withdrawn from the "favor bank."
Just like Denis Rivera's Hospital Union 1199 goes out and campaigns and votes
for candidates who support hospital jobs, community gardeners have to do more
than say, "Thank you Elliott!"

If  NYC community gardeners want to be taken seriously NYC community gardeners
will have to repay that favor, by voting and campaigning in the Elliot Spitzer
for Governor effort.

It will be very important, for other politicians who will be watching, to see
how our community garden numbers pan out in the Democratic Primary ( are we
registered Democrats?) and the general election.  We keep saying we have
35,000 community gardeners in NYC - we need some serious gardener votes out in
the primary and general election.

Dear Progressive Sisters and Brothers -  I strongly suggest,please,  if you
love your gardens, that this coming  November NOT be a time to vote for the
Anarchist, Sparticist, Socialist Worker, Green or Legalize Marajuana/Obigane
candidate for NYS Governor.  Please.

And if you're not registered to vote, please  do so,  ASAP, so you can vote as
an independent for Elliott Spitzer.

To make it clear to our community, we need to get campaign buttons that say
"Community Gardeners for Spitzer" and a few t-shirts that say so too.  We can
reach out to the campaign to crank them up,  or if necessary, make them

Understand?  This is quid-pro-quo. If we don't show up in real numbers for
Elliot Spitzer who helped all of us, why should any politician take us

Adam Honigman
Community Gardener, Registered Democratic Voter


-----Original Message-----
From: carolin mees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:50:41 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Re: [tb-cybergardens]: [MG] Earth Day Event with Eliot Spitzer

News from the tb-cybergardens mailing  list

Hey Aresh,
I was not able to go to the forum, because I am in Berlin since some time. I
am the one writing the South Bronx gardens and running around there last
summer- still writing but should be done this summer.
Could you give me an update on what the outcome was? Did Eliot Spitzer have
a special effect?
Thanks a lot for helping me out- .
Many greetings and happy spring
Carolin Mees

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