
As an old Lower East Side seedbomber (please note FBI lurkers whose computer
programs will kick in when they sense the words "bomb," "bomber," or
"guerilla," - a "seedbomb,"  a waterballoon filled with water, fertilizer and
wild flower seeds thrown over a fence into a feral, rubble filled lot with the
intent to create "shock and awe," through visual beauty.)

In all honesty, I get "nachus," (if you have to ask, you put mayo on your
pastrami) from  new  English guerilla gardeners who say they got their
inspiration from the LES seedbombers.
 Here's their website  ( ) and the latest
report from "Commandante" Richard Reynolds.

Adam Honigman

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Reynolds <>
Sent: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:28:01 +0100
Subject: Guerrilla Gardening New: 28 April 2006

Hello troops, that's all 759 of you now.

Wow the weeds are shouting up now. And so does interest in Guerrilla
Gardening. Thanks for the donations. Penny in Ealing called me round to take
her collapsing yucca away on Monday, now relocated to the Elephant & Castle in
South London, and a different Penny (and Les) from Colombia Road gave me a box
full of hand tools, manure and some handy gorilla tubs.

Here in London we were back once again to the enormous traffic island in
Lambeth outside Morley college for transforming the final and biggest quarter.
It was the best evening yet: perfect weather, a great turnout, brilliant
effort all round and a celebrity passerby.

In went another sixty Lavandula angustifolia, Photinia, Hebe caledonia,
Convolvulis cneorum, Euphorbia characias, Ornithogalum thyrsoides... basically
a lot of beautiful plants. And out came two car loads of weeds.

Thanks to Anne 074, Andy 157, Maria 355, Arfan 673, Carolyne 730, Chris 734,
Claire 732, Clara 005, Gary 728, Jamie 158, Joe 004, Meike 155, Pippa 731,
Rose 095, Ryan 674, Sarah 288, Shifali 733, Sonia 729 (sorry if I missed
anyone out). Sarah, everyone loved your Anzac biscuits.

It was cheering to have plenty of supportive honks from passing cars. Jenny
Agutter rolled down the window of her cab for a chat with Anne. Just past
midnight one man pulled over his Smart, to hand us B#10. The only
disappointment was the cowardly performance of a Lambeth Council worker. In a
van proudly marked CLEANING UP LAMBETH, he stopped at the traffic lights right
next to us. When we spotted him his response was a look of utter fear and
embarrassment. "Hey, why don't you join in?" I asked. He rolled down his
window to say, "sure mate, let me just pull up when the lights change green".
But he scampered. I've never seen a Vauxhall shift so swiftly.

Please continue sending me your reports of Guerrilla Gardening around the
world. Joe (601) solved the destruction of Project Three by enrolling the
vandals as guerrillas. Luc in Montreal sent me pictures of his fourth year
guerrilla gardening in Montreal, Canada. There are more. News of that on the
website. We are getting a little closer to the target of 100 acts of guerrilla
gardening by 1 September. I'll update the website soon.

Sorry about the delay in helping wannabe guerrillas around the country meet
others. I will be putting you in touch with like minded guerrillas soon - it's
just a bit of an administrative cat's cradle. I've had offers of IT help, and
will get on to working this out. And for those who have requested them, troop
cards are on their way.

ITV followed Meike (155) around yesterday for broadcasting the story of a
female Guerrilla Gardener. It'll be on the local London Tonight this evening,
6pm ITV1. On a similar theme, Eve magazine were getting muddy last night too,
putting together profiles of several lady diggers for their July issue. And we
were all entertained by Rob Gifford from American National Public Radio who
skipped around us for hours with his mini-disc player.

Thursday 11 May in the Stratford area from 9pm. Let me know if you would like
to be involved.

We learnt last night that the magic words to make a friendly drunk leave you
alone are "my Dad's a vicar".


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