Happy day for flower power generation
Can a hanging basket of flowers really transform a neighbourhood? One group of 
Sheffield residents say a few flowers have helped them feel happier. Lucy 
Ashton finds out how more

WHAT'S the key to creating community spirit?
On one Sheffield estate it seems it's a few pansies and a spattering of 
Residents in Page Hall have made their neighbourhood a better place to live 
simply by using hanging baskets and window boxes.
The flowers were originally intended to make Page Hall look prettier but 
residents have discovered the boxes and baskets have had a dramatic effect on 
the area.
As well as brightening up the streets, the flowers have brought the community 
together and made everyone a better neighbour.
Ivor Wallace and Nikki Hibberd from Page Hall Community Association decided to 
hand out the free plants to cheer up the local community.
Community spirit took a dip last year when Sheffield Council suggested 
demolishing a number of homes. A lot of residents campaigned strongly against 
the proposals and had a stressful time while their homes were under threat of 
After seeing residents' reaction, the council scrapped demolition plans but the 
proposals had shaken the community.
Nikki and Ivor decided it wasn't just the neighbourhood which needed cheering 
up, but also its residents.
"We had funding from the area panel and Green City Action to provide a window 
boxes and hanging baskets so we advertised a planting day in May," said Nikki.
"People could either come down and plant their own basket or box or just come 
and collect one which we had put together."
The event was a huge success. A hundred people went to the first day and 100 
more put their names down for the next planting day.
"Green City Action provided the trays and we added the flowers and plants. We 
even took baskets around to people and fitted them to their houses if they 
couldn't do it themselves."
Ivor and Nikki were delighted to see a few colourful plants could make such a 
difference to the community.
"It boosted the area," said Ivor. "It got people talking and turned the 
neighbourhood into a community as people had a talking point.
"A lot of people went out in the evening to water the plants and got talking to 
their neighbours who were also watering their plants. They might never have 
spoken before but started talking over the plants.
"We also provided hanging baskets for a lot of shops and they had leaflets on 
the counters to tell people about the community association."
At the second planting event in June even more people came along, including 
local teenagers.
"It's been fantastic," said Nikki. "People are taking more pride in their 
neighbourhood and are talking to each other. We have some new trees on the 
streets so we planted some of the spare flowers around the tree pockets and 
people have taken responsibility for going outside and watering them and 
picking up rubbish."
Ivor added: "I went on holiday during the hottest day of the year and my 
neighbour offered to water my plants so it's created so much community spirit.
"All the boxes were made locally so it's benefited the local community too."
Along with the free boxes and baskets, residents were also given lessons in 
garden maintenance and 
children from Owler Brook School helped to plant new trees.
The community association was so encouraged it organised a gardening 
competition and Page Hall has been entered into Sheffield in Bloom and 
Yorkshire in Bloom.
"We received an award from the Lord Mayor for doing a scheme which was extra 
special," said Nikki. "She said we had a really good level of community spirit. 
The community association has been running for less than six months so to have 
been so successful so early on is a fantastic achievement.
"Everyone was chuffed to bits with the award and I was so proud. Everyone has 
the feeling that we can do anything now."
Council chiefs say it's proof little things make a massive difference.
Coun Chris Weldon, cabinet member for safer neighbourhoods, said: "I hope local 
people will support these projects and get involved with making Page Hall a 
nicer environment to live in.
"Attractive gardens can make a huge difference to the appearance of the area 
and encourage a sense of pride in the neighbourhood."

The baskets and window boxes were funded by Sheffield Council's east 
regeneration team and the local area panel.

The planting sessions were also helped by Green City Action, a non-profit 
making community group that was set up in 1993.

It identified Pitsmoor and Firth Park as areas in need of environmental and 
community help and formed Green City Action to encourage recycling, organic 
gardening and other initiatives.

Green City Action runs a tool store, a seed exchange and a toy resource centre.

For more details email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or write to Green City Action, 
Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Park Road, Sheffield S4 7AG.

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21 August 2006
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