Both Don B.  and I send out a great number of news articles about community 
gardening that get's copied to the web versions of English language 
And we tell stories from the gardens we are involved with. 
No ego trip - we're both ageing spirits from the '60's who really have fire in 
our bellies about community gardening  -  it keeps us off the streets...
In all seriousness, Don and I  do this because this listserv needs content... 
or the list will die from boredom. 
We need to have, please,  content from all of your community gardens, your pot 
lucks, the events, dealing with the quotidian details ( sorry, I should have 
said "daily," ) of what you do.  
Seriously,  why should you be hearing about community gardens in your area from 
a two guys who live on the East Coast from web postings gotten from search 
You all have gardens, you all have computers, and you all have community garden 
stories that we all need to read.
Please share them with the group! 
The ACGA listserv needs your contributions and content!
Best wishes, 
Adam Honigman
Rank and file ACGA member
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