more on cold season school gardens, i'd get advice from local public  gardens 
and/or native plant societies and local farmers so that the design/plant  
selection makes sense and provides interest and learning opportunities from  
September-June (of whenever school gets out) as well as opps for the summer  
stewards.  school gardening can have an element of experimentation to  it, so 
it includes season extenders, winter composting, indoor composting,  etc.  
students and teachers can practice 'observation' skills, predictions,  
soil testing, etc as well as art, plant parts, propogation, seed  saving, 
surely this is not the same as gardening in areas with 10-12 months of  
growing season, but it still offers plenty of learning, landscaping, and food  
production opps.
let us all know what you come up with.
judy tiger, washington dc

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