When in doubt, please look at the ACGA links - there's a wealth of information 
listed there, including many hyperlinks to Community Garden studies. Annual 
membership to help support this free resource available for Pizza and Beer 
prices (
Notes from NYC: I'm back, after this missive,  to planting some rescued roses 
and hollyhocks in DeWitt Clinton Park in NYC.(54th - 52nd Streets, Between 11th 
& 12th Avenues)   It's back to the future, here, really, because this was the 
site of the famous DeWitt Clinton Farm Garden ( a children's community garden 
from the turn of the 19th/20th Century.) The DeWitt Clinton Park Conservancy is 
bringing back this garden site, right next to the docks, for the people of the 
City of New York. 
If you're in Manhattan this July 4th, the Clinton Community Garden ( located on 
48th Between 9th & 10th Avenues) will be holding it's annual 4th of July 
Picnic.  Bring a dish, a six pack, some soda, or a couple of bucks to drop in 
the bucket. The de rigeur franks and hot dogs, flags and good feeling ( along 
with full summer perennial spendor) is provided by the garden.  Hope to see you 
The Liz Christy Garden ( Bowery/2nd Avenue and East Houston Street) is getting 
ready to open after a trying time living next to a construction site. Looking 
around, a week ago, while helping set the foundations for the renovated turtle 
pond) its survival amazes, the Norway Pine and Cherry Tree (planted by the 
ACGA's Tessa Huxley, year back)  and so many splendid perennials the bones of 
this truly amazing garden.  If you see anyone inside the garden, be sure you 
ask to be let in. 
News from the Bellevue Hospital Sobriety Garden in NYCf: . Thank you for sending in notes 
of support , via this website,  to help save this endangered Bellevue Hospital 
community garden. Your letters, calls and e-mails of support, and those of 
hundreds of others seem to be turning the tide from bulldozing for a parking 
lot to the survival of this garden created and sustained by substance abusers 
working, day-by-day, to stay clean. Please keep the pressure on to help keep 
this essential and beautiful community garden alive for some of NYC's most 
vulnerable people. 
See ya later, got more digging and planting to do before I go to work tonight. 
Best regards, 
Adam Honigman

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 01:47:36 EDT
Subject: [cg] community_garden values to community

Dear community garden friends,
here are a few references on this topic

there are a bunch of articles like this...write if you want more references

jm embry
sustainable communities
Lexington, KY

Suggested Citation 
Been, Vicki and Voicu, Ioan, "The Effect of Community Gardens on Neighboring 
Property Values" (March 2006). NYU, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 06-09 
Available at SSRN: 

Recent Publications
Articles from the Human-Environment Research Laboratory 
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 
The following articles are part of the work we have conducted in the 
Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois; Frances E. Kuo and William 
Sullivan, Directors. 
The citations for these articles are:
Brunson, L., Kuo, F.E., & Sullivan, W.C. (2001). Resident appropriation of 
defensible space in urban public housing: Implications for safety and 

Environment & Behavior, 33(5), 626-652.
Coley, R.L., Kuo, F.E., & Sullivan, W.C. (1997). Where does community grow? 
The social context created by nature in urban public housing. Environment & 
Behavior, 29(4), 468-492. 
Kuo, F.E. (2001). Coping with poverty: Impacts of environment and attention 
in the inner city. Environment & Behavior, 33(1), 5-34. 
Kuo, F.E., Bacaicoa, M., & Sullivan, W.C. (1998).Transforming inner-city 
neighborhoods: Trees, sense of safety, and preference. Environment & Behavior, 
30(1), 28-59. 
Kuo, F.E. & Sullivan W.C. (2001). Aggression and violence in the inner city: 
Impacts of environment via mental fatigue. Environment & Behavior, 33(4), 
Kuo, F.E. & Sullivan W.C. (2001) Environment and crime in the inner city: 
Does vegetation reduce crime? Environment & Behavior, 33(3), 343-367.
Kuo, F.E., Sullivan, W.C., Coley, R.L., & Brunson, L. (1998). Fertile ground 
for community: Inner-city neighborhood common spaces. American Journal of 
Community Psychology, 26(1), 823-851. 
Kweon, B.S., Sullivan, W.C., & Wiley, A. (1998). Green common spaces and the 
social integration of inner-city older adults. Environment & Behavior, 30(6), 
Miles, I., Sullivan, W.C., & Kuo, F.E. (1998). Ecological restoration 
volunteers: The benefits of participation. Urban Ecology, 2(1), 27-41. 
Miles, I., Sullivan, W.C., & Kuo, F.E. (2000). Psychological benefits of 
volunteering for restoration projects. Ecological Restoration, 18(4), 218-227.
Sullivan, W.C. (1993). A yearning for conservation: The conflict between 
citizen attitudes and economic development. In E. Arias and M. Gross (Eds.) 
Equitable and Sustainable Habitats. EDRA, Oklahoma City, 50-55. 
Sullivan, W.C. (1996). Cluster housing at the rural-urban fringe: The search 
for adequate and satisfying places to live. Journal of Architectural and 
Planning Research, 13(4), 291-309. 
Sullivan, W.C. (in press). Neighborhood landscapes, democracy, and community. 
To appear in Landscape Journal.
Sullivan, W.C. (1994). Perceptions of the rural-urban fringe: Citizen 
preferences for natural and developed settings. Landscape and Urban Planning, 
Sullivan, W.C., Kuo, F.E., & Prabhu, M. (1996). Assessing the impact of 
environmental impact statements on citizens. Environmental Impact Assessment 
Review, 16(3), 171-182. 
Sullivan, W.C., Kuo, F.E., & Prabhu, M. (1997). Communicating with citizens: 
The power of photosimulations and simple editing. Environmental Impact 
Assessment Review. 17(3), 295-310. 
Taylor, A.F., Kuo, F.E. & Sullivan, W.C. (2001). Coping with ADD: The 
surprising connection to green play settings. Environment & Behavior, 33(1), 
Taylor, A.F., Kuo, F.E., & Sullivan, W.C. (in press). Views of nature and 
self-discipline: Evidence from inner city children. To appear in the Journal of 
Environmental Psychology.
Taylor, A.F., Wiley, A., Kuo, F.E. & Sullivan, W.C. (1998). Growing up in the 
Inner City: Green Spaces as Places to Grow. Environment & Behavior, 30(1), 
Voigt, T.B., Fermanian, T.W., & Sullivan, W.C. (1998). Selecting Kentucky 
Bluegrass cultivars. Crop Science, 38(4), 1035-1041.

 Back to HERL homepage 

What Good Is Community Greening? 
Research Supports All Those Common Sense Answers You've Been Using for Years 
-- but There Is Still More to Learn. 
By David Malakoff 
People-Plant Interactions | Background Theories | How Individuals Respond 
Plants and Communities | Building Communities | "Greenlining" | More Data 

Does Vegetation Reduce Crime?
FRANCES E. KUO is an assistant professor and codirector of the 
Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her 
focuses on attention, defensible space, and novice-friendly information.
WILLIAM C. SULLIVAN is an associate professor and codirector of the Human-
Environment Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois, 
His research focuses on the psychological and social benefits of urban nature 
and citizen
participation in environmental decision making.
ABSTRACT: Although vegetation has been positively linked to fear of crime an

In a message dated 6/30/2006 1:02:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> Subj: community_garden digest, Vol 1 #2472 - 3 msgs 
> Date:6/30/2006 1:02:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> Received from Internet: 
> Send community_garden mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
> "Re: Contents of community_garden digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. RE: Re: Social Value of Community Gardens (Nadel-Klein, Jane H)
>   2. australia (Elvira)
>   3. Re: australia ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Subject: RE: [cg] Re: Social Value of Community Gardens
> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 15:13:07 -0400
> From: "Nadel-Klein, Jane H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Julie Filapek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> A student thesis in anthropology from Mt. Holyoke College, "Returning to Our 
> Roots: The Search for Meaning Through Community Gardens in Holyoke, MA." 
> Nicole Fabricant. 1999.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julie Filapek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 2/20/2002 2:08 PM
> Subject: [cg] Re: Social Value of Community Gardens
> I am also looking for studies that have examined the
> impacts of gardens on their neighborhoods - beyond
> what I've found on the ACGA and CityFarmer websites. 
> Does anyone know of any local studies that haven't
> been widely published?  
> I will be working on a research project in
> Minneapolis/St.Paul to study peoples' perceptions of
> the values of community gardens to neighborhoods -
> from both gardener and non-gardener perspectives.  
> Thanks for any suggestions --
> Julie Filapek
> ______________________________________________________
> The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
> services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find 
> out how to join, please go to
> To post an e-mail to the list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription:  
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 16:48:46 -0700
> From: Elvira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [cg] australia
> Hi,
> Are you interested in studies from Australia?  My friend is doing her thesis 
> on this topic, I could put you in touch...
> Elvira
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:23:00 -0400
> Subject: Re: [cg] australia
> The ACGA is always interested in community garden studies. Please go to the 
> ACGA website for contacts, etc. 
> Best regards, 
> Adam Honigman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elvira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 16:48:46 -0700
> Subject: [cg] australia
> Hi,
> Are you interested in studies from Australia?  My friend is doing her thesis 
> on 
> this topic, I could put you in touch...
> Elvira
> ______________________________________________________
> The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
> services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find 
> out 
> how to join, please go to
> To post an e-mail to the list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription:  
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and 
> IM. All on demand. Always Free.
> --__--__--
> ______________________________________________________
> The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
> services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find 
> out how to join, please go to
> To post an e-mail to the list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription:  
> End of c

The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to

To post an e-mail to the list:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription:
Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. 
All on demand. Always Free.

The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one of ACGA's 
services to community gardeners. To learn more about the ACGA and to find out 
how to join, please go to

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