Re:  Botanic Gardens and community gardening programs

The Brooklyn Botanic Garden (New York) has a very active and strong program
with links to community gardens as well as other neighborhood programs
through Brooklyn GreenBridge which is part of the garden's Education
Department. It started with a major initiative in 1993 to promote urban
composting in NYC's botanic gardens with the NYC Dept. of Sanitation and
then expanded to other aspects including work with community gardens, block
associations, therapeutic horticulture, etc. It has a newsletter which goes
to over 12,000 city residents. The botanic garden sponsors the program,
raises funds and includes the program in many of its activities.  Nealy 100
Master Composters have been trained and there is a significant set of
workshops in the botanic garden as well as in the community.

There are other such programs at various botanic gardens around the US as
well as other countries, e.g. South Africa out of the Kirstenbosch Botanic

For more information, check out then go to the Education
Department, Brooklyn GreenBirdge.

Ellen Kirby
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