I know this title probably sounds off the wall, but I have just started finding 
references on Rodale's New Farm site and elsewhere about growing a nitrogen 
fixing green manure crop at the same time as a veg crop.  The timing seems to 
vary.  One instruction said to let the vegetable grow for 25% of its growth 
period, and then sow the green manure crop around it.  Another method grew the 
green manure crop and transplanted the vegetable start in among the green 
manure crop.

In terms of effect on the planet, shipping seeds for green manure costs less 
than shippng fertilizer, and since nitrogen gas has a greenhouse effect, 
agriculture that sucks nitrogen out of the air seems like a good thing.  The 
other good thing is, I pretty much would know exactly what was in the 
fertilizer I was putting down (or at least the green manure part of it).

One pairing mentioned in an article about a gardener in Maryland mentioned 
using tomatoes paired with hairy vetch.

If anyone has seen a  good writeup or has tried intercropping this way, I would 
sure like to hear about your experience and whether you recommend it or not.

(On Tuesday, I go out looking at possible community garden sites....cross your 


Chris Reid
Stamford, CT

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