Hey all,
I work for Urban Harvest a non-profit community gardening organization in
Houston and I am currently working on a plan to increase allotment/rented
plot garden space in and around the Houston area.  I have talked to groups
in New York, and Minneapolis and have thoroughly read the P-Patch garden
guide.  I know there are lots of other gardens out there and I would love to
hear about your experience with managing a system of gardens.  What works,
what doesn't work, what brings people together and anything else you think
might be useful information for me.  I am currently coordinating about 70
community gardens of various types (school, donation, neighborhood
cooperative, general education).  This allotment project is sort of
uncharted territory for us.

Becky Blanton
Urban Harvest
Community Gardens Coordinator
713-880-5540 ext 12
713-682-9480 cell
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