We've not needed interns at our garden. We use our own gardeners who have the skills and talents we need. Try getting your gardeners to volunteer.
On Mar 17, 2011, at 4:00 PM, Gina T. wrote:

We were recently awarded a grant that would allow us to expand our garden and the education programs we offer however, we are finding that it is a tremendous amount of work for our 5 board members. I wondered if this would be something of interest for interns. After all, we are a brand new 501(c)3 with gardens to be expanded, grants to be written, education programs to be
developed and marketing to be done.

Have any of you ever utilized interns to help with this type of thing? If
so, what type of college programs did you tap to find them?

Thank you in advance for sharing your advice/stories!

Gina Thomas
Vice President
Forest Park Community Garden
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"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." Fanny Lou Hamer

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