I also agree... So does the President's Panel on Cancer (Report Released in
2010 - Commissioned by GW Bush in 2008)


NY Times reported on it: New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/06/opinion/06kristof.html in May 2010,
but it just blew on by. No one reported on it ion TV - not even MSNBC.

I thought it should have been shouted from the rooftops. 

My ribbon is green. But as Kermit says, "it's not easy being green."

Amy Peters
Sustainable Sea Cliff Co-op
Long Island Small Farm Summit 2012 

-----Original Message-----
From: community_garden-boun...@list.communitygarden.org
[mailto:community_garden-boun...@list.communitygarden.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 7:11 PM
To: American Community Gardening Assoc. 
Subject: [Community_garden] solution to

Thank you for sharing Ken.  I agree totally.  Judy in Pontiac 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Hargesheimer" <minifa...@gmail.com> 
To: "Community Gardens USA" <community_garden@list.communitygarden.org> 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 10:58:57 AM 
Subject: [Community_garden] solution to cancer 

*Published on Sunday, February 5, 2012 by **Common 

*If You Want to Fight Cancer, Turn Those Pink Ribbons Green* 

*by **Jennifer Browdy de 

I'm going to make a confession. I never could stand those pink ribbons. 
I've never done a "Walk for the Cure" or bought daffodils for cancer 
victims or even picked a cancer-cure-themed postage stamp. 

But in general, the idea of putting the energy and effort of well-meaning 
citizens behind "the search for a cure for cancer" just irritates me, 
because let's face it, we know what causes cancer, and therefore we can do 
better than cure it, we can prevent it! Maybe not 100%, but we can take it 
back to the modest rates that previous generations of human beings enjoyed. 

For my grandparents' generation, a diagnosis of cancer was frightening 
because it was so often a death sentence, but it was rare. Not one of my 
four grandparents came down with cancer, and I don't believe their parents 
did either. This isn't due to some genetic serendipity, it's just a fact 
that cancer rates in the first half of the 20th century (and every century 
before that) were way lower than they are now. 

Cancer rates are skyrocketing now thanks to the environmental toxins that 
humans have introduced into our air, soil and water, and thus our 
agricultural crops, drinking water and the very air we breathe. Rachel 
Carson saw the effects of DDT on birds, and gave the warning just before 
she succumbed to cancer. 

We may have removed DDT from the US market, but it's still being used in 
other countries, and here it has been replaced by a whole host of 
alphabet-soup chemicals, each one more potent and carcinogenic than the 

If you really want to make a difference in the war against cancer, forget 
about those ridiculous pink ribbons. Use the power of your wallet and your 
ballot to insist that the government step up and do its job in regulating 
the industrial agriculture sector. 

Or better yet, let's allow the specter of industrial agriculture to fade 
away into the dustbin of the 20th century, and start a real "green 
revolution," dedicated to the health and well-being of our planet and all 
her denizens. 

What color is your ribbon? Mine is green. 

*Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez teaches comparative literature and gender 
studies with an activist bent at Bard College at Simon's Rock in Great 
Barrington, MA and blogs at **Transition 
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