Hello Khalid Amin,

I am afraid I'm not yet a professor, although hopefully one day! :-) I
myself tend to use Java, given my programming background, however I do
appreciate that Python is quite popular with NLP these days.

I've forwarded your question about using Python with the Quranic
Arabic Corpus to the mail discussion list:


Hopefully some one will get back to you, and also reply to the mailing
list to let us know.  One option is to download the data files from
the Quranic Arabic Corpus download page:
http://corpus.quran.com/download, and then write a simple python
script to parse the data line-by-line (it should be straightforward if
you just need basic word tags for example).

Abdul-Baquee - I'm not sure, do you use Python to get access to the
Quranic Arabic Corpus data?

Kind Regards,

- Kais Dukes

Language Research Group
School of Computing
University of Leeds

http://corpus.quran.com - The Quranic Arabic Corpus
comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk - Computational Quranic Arabic discussion list

> -------------------------------------------
> From: Khalid Amin[SMTP:kh.amin....@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 6:52:14 AM
> To: Kais Dukes
> Subject: Help
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
> Dear Prof.,
> Nowadays, i'm teaching a Natural language processing course for students of 
> computer science. we use Python in tutorials. can this language use your 
> valuable quranic corpus? if not, pls advice.
> Best regards.
> --
> K. M. Amin, Ph. D.,
> Department of Information Technology,
> Faculty of Computers and Information
> Menoufiya University,
> Egypt.

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