Hello Kais,

I have been using a website that has a valuable data base of QA. Most of the answers are taken from the Quran or the authentic Hadiths with some explanations. The data base is quiet huge and it has been there for 13 years.

One thing you can to do train your QA system is to take all the data from that website and filter the text in the answer keeping just the quran verses.
Of course you need to contact them for copyrights issue.

You can even aim for english/arabic Quran QA system since most of the questions are available in both languages.

the website is :www.islam-qa.com

by the way , here is an example of a QA in english for the question you mentioned.


sample question categories in arabic

Hope this will be helpful.


Quoting Kais Dukes <dukes.k...@googlemail.com>:

Hello Members of the Computational Quran Mailing List,

Current research in the Quranic Arabic Corpus project involves:

- Morphological annotation
- Syntactic annotation
- Ontology of Quranic Concepts (towards a semantic representation of the Quran)

As well as extending the morphological and syntactic annotation of the
Quran, I am keen to start thinking about a later stage of this
research. The final (long-term) aim of this project is to build an
intelligent expert question-answering system. An example might be:

How long should I breastfeed my child for?

"Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever
wishes to complete the nursing [period]."
- Source: The Holy Quran, verse (2:233).

Such a system would allow general website users to ask simple
questions, and get back answers based on facts contained in verses of
the Quran. As a first step to constructing such a system, I am keen to
get hold of a large list of questions (and hopefully answers) backed
by verses of the Quran. I would like to ask the members of this
mailing list advice on building together a list of sample questions
(e.g. several hundred or several thousand questions that people might
commonly ask). Does anybody have any suggestions for online (or other
resources) for Islamic questions and answers, hopefully with all the
answers directly as verses of the Quran?

It would also be great to hear ideas on how a powerful dialog system
of the Quran might approach - or even any ideas about dialog systems
in general.

Looking forward to any responses. Please feel free to reply directly
to the mailing list (just hit reply all).

Kind Regards,

- Kais Dukes

Language Research Group
School of Computing
University of Leeds

http://corpus.quran.com - The Quranic Arabic Corpus
comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk - Computational Quranic Arabic discussion list

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