Salam Akif,

If you are trying to use the API to display text using these fonts, you will
run into trouble. The Quranic Arabic Corpus uses the Uthmani text from the
Tanzil project, which contains additional characters that these fonts don't
cover. I would suggest you go directly to the data, and read the Tanzil data
files, i.e. don't use JQuranTree API for display.

Try these different download options:

You might have more luck with the different Quranic texts listed on that
download page, if you want to display using the simple fonts. If you need
more information about Tanzil, I would suggest you contact that project
directly (

Kind Regards,

-- Kais

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Akif Eyler <> wrote:

> Finally I had a chance to try jqurantree API -- it was fantastic...
> I wanted to see the results using swing framework and I tried this:
> String s = Document.getVerse(27, 30).toUnicode();
> Font f = new Font("Simplified Arabic", 0, 24);
> JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(s);  ta.setFont(f);
> I use four different fonts, they all have little problems, as shown in the
> attached file
> Perhaps this is not the correct place for programming questions?
> __Akif Eyler__
> Marmara University, Istanbul

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