On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 15:58 +0000, Mike Dransfield wrote:
> I am having a few problems with blur which I notice other people
> are having too.
> Focus blur works perfectly (although only with 4xBilinear)

Using a source blur filter with radius greater than one texel is not
currently supported as it will not work with the current decoration
interface but I plan to fix that eventually.

> When I start blurdemo, that works too.  The problem is that sometimes
> changing the filter type crashes compiz.  If I run it under a debugger
> it starts working again.  All the filter types work with blurdemo.

Any more details you can provide related to this crash would be useful.

> Blurset also works in that it sets the hint on the window, but the
> window does not get blurred.  The only applications that work are
> gnome-terminal and blurdemo.

Destination blur was only allowed on windows with an alpha channel
before but I've changed that now.

- David

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