David Reveman wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 14:06 +0200, dragoran wrote:
>> The place plugin has a bug:
>> when compiz is restarted or started to replace another wm it the windows 
>> are placed in weird positions ( titlebar behind the panel etc.)
>> shouln't the place plugin loop over all open windows and place them 
>> correctly when loaded? this should solve this issues.
>> any reason why this isn't done? have I missed something or is this just 
>> a bug?
> compiz should not place existing windows at startup.
but it seems that it does (they get moved to weird position if compiz is 
started while some windows are open).. it should atleast leave them at 
their old position. (metacity does not do this)
>  compiz doesn't
> really try to avoid weird positions. the move plugin have some code that
> avoids moving windows to weird positions but that's only for when moving
> windows.
> A plugin that makes sure that windows are never placed at weird
> positions could be written for this purpose.
how would this fix the problem for windows gets misplaced at startup?

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