On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 18:56 +0200, Treviño wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all, I'm Treviño (AKA Trevinho, AKA 3v1n0, AKA trevi55 ;P) it's my
> first message here, also if I'm reading the ML from the archives since
> long time...
> I maintened a beryl-svn (then git) repository, and I'm planning to do
> the same as soon as I can for compiz-git (BTW, some pre-release
> packages are at http://tinyurl.com/396up9), however for doing so I'm
> applying some patches to compiz; mostly of them are the ones already
> posted here or taken from the ubuntu gutsy source package, but I've
> made some of them too.
> The first one, that I've attached here is a patch for the move plugin
> to make it show the X-fleur mouse cursor while moving a windows
> instead of the X-plus.
> This is needed to use the same cursor used by the most common Desktop
> Environments like KDE and GNOME (I don't know in xfce and others).
> Simply take the patch and apply it (it's only 1 line); then you won't
> have anymore the bad (imho) "+" cursor ;)

OK, we'll use the fleur cursor for now. We'll have to add a cursor
option to the move plugin if someone isn't happy with this new cursor,


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