On Wednesday 29 August 2007, Raymond Bosman wrote:
> > > Problem
> > > -------
> > > In a system with lots of nested templates or template overrides the
> > > amount of variables that need to be forwarded to each template may grow
> > > out of proportion.
> >
> > Didn't we "invent" this mechanism exactly to make the available
> > variables more user visible? And wouldn't all the solutions bypass this
> > explicit declarations, no matter which of the options you choose?
> >
> > I personally don't really like to change this.
> Yes, we used this mechanism to make variables more visible. When we are
> sending too many variables the templates becomes hard to read. I don't like
> the change either, but in certain cases this change makes the templates
> more readable.
> > This reminds me of some email I sent earlier about the send_array
> > construct to pass larger amounts of variales where we concluded that
> > this would make available variables less visible, so we should propose
> > another mechanism. The "solution" back then was, to include the sub
> > template from your application and return the result to the main
> > template which may echo it anywhere using {raw}.
> Yes, I remember that case. That solution is still valid. The problem we
> have now, is that we have lots of templates that include other templates.
> There is AFAIK not a solution like that possible. See for example the admin
> templates from eZ publish.
> > I see the problem with big applications where a lot of data is required
> > to pass, but imho there are also some solutions beside passing the
> > complete local scope at all:
> >
> > 1) Use Structs / Objects
> >
> > You may combine lots of information in some structs or objects
> > representing logical objects in your application, and pass nothing more
> > but them, like a $request-Struct containing all request information.
> >
> > You are probably already dooing this, but the logical seperations still
> > result in too many variables?
> Something like?:
> {use $send}
> {$send->a}
> {$send->b}
> And $send is a default object send to each Template?
No, you still pas it on. But now you only have one thing to pass on instead of 

Think programming, how would you solve this if you were designing a 
programming language.... or better.. if you used an existing programming 
language (like php/java/c++)....

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