
The eZ Components development team is pleased to announce the first 
alpha version of the new release, due to be out later this year. There 
are a few new components, but also many improvements to existing 

The two new components:

Tree, which handles the creating, manipulating and querying of tree 
structures. The component supports different storage algorithms for 
optimal performance. There are two tieins for this component, 
TreeDatabaseTiein, providing functionality to store tree-data in a 
database, and TreePersistentObjectTiein, providing data storage in the 
form of persistent objects.

Webdav, which allows you to set up and run your own WebDAV (RFC 2518) 
server, to enable online content editing for the users of your system 
through the WebDAV HTTP extension.

The alpha version can be downloaded from the download page, or installed 
through the PEAR installer. You can upgrade to the alpha version by 
issuing the following command::

        pear upgrade ezc/ezcomponents-alpha

Updated documentation is also available on the documentation page.

The full announcement can be found here:

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