On Fri, 9 Nov 2007, Damien POBEL wrote:

> Derick Rethans a écrit :
> > [...] We are interested in your feedback - you can reply to this 
> > mail if you wish.
> that's a great news, I hope this site will bring more visibility to eZ 
> Components.
> I've got 3 remarks though :
> A CSS file (http://ezcomponents.org/pagelayout_files/print.css) is missing.

That's fixed now, I even made things pretty :-)

> It seems slow to me. I think it's because of the missing CSS files and 
> because some files are hosted on another domain (yui.yahooapis.com why 
> ???) so the browser has to connect to another host that could slow down 
> all the site if the remote host experiences problems.

SHould be a first time thing only, as those files should be cached :)

> deploy it, perhaps it's related to the previous point ? And when I put 
> my pointer on an element, I don't have the hand telling me that's a link.

The hand link I fixed as well.

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