On Jan 18, 2008 3:48 PM, Alexandru Stanoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How about another syntax?
> {translate context "test" vars $nr = $nr2 + 8, $nr2 = 98}
>   Hello #%nr (%nr2)
> {/translate}
> I think this syntax would be easier to see for a designer, as he/she
> does not need to write text inside the template code, but inside a block
> like html.

I like this one ! Designers actually try to edit templates using a WYSIWYG
editor, and a block will be manageable, while an inline syntax won't. I
guess that you guys won't be willing to implement both ?

_ does not tell me anything
> t is too short
> tr sounds like table row (html)

That is true...

I would go with {translate}.

yep... {translate} is good too, and not confusing.

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