Good Morning,

what do you think about the method written below? Could it be added to 
ezcBase? The motivation is to have a quick way to add extensions to the 

If you'd agree, to have this method included, I could also provide testcases.


Thomas Koch

     * adds specific subdirs of $baseDir as class repositories.
     * If given only $baseDir, this method adds all subdirectories of $baseDir
     * as class repositories, as long as the subdirectories contains
     * themselves a directory named 'autoload'.
     * You can give a list of $subDirs so that the method only adds the given
     * $subDirs as long as they contain a directory named 'autoload'.
     * The directory name 'autoload' which indicates a class repository can be
     * overwritten with the parameter $requiredAutoloadDir.
     * @see   ezcBase::addClassRepository()
     * @param string $baseDir
     * @param Array  $subDirs
     * @param string $requiredAutoloadDir
     * @return void
    public static function addClassRepositories( $baseDir, Array $subDirs = 
NULL, $requiredAutoloadDir = NULL )
        if( NULL === $requiredAutoloadDir )
            $requiredAutoloadDir = 'autoload';

        // Well... This should evaluate to two different forms:
        // extensionDir/*/autoload            or
        // extensionDir/{myextxyz,yourext,someext}/autoload 
        // See
        $autoloadDirs = glob(
                                .(NULL === $subDirs
                                    ? '*'
                                    : '{'.implode( $subDirs, ',' ).'}')
                            GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT );

       // How much to cut to get the repository dir without trailing slash?
       $trimLength = -( strlen( $requiredAutoloadDir ) + 1 );

       // add info to the list of extra dirs
       foreach( $autoloadDirs as $dir )
           ezcBase::$repositoryDirs[] = array(
                    'basePath'        => substr( $dir, 0, $trimLength ),
                    'autoloadDirPath' => $dir );
Thomas Koch, Software Developer
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