>  The conditions attached to input variables are, of course, evaluated
 >  (in src/interfaces/execution.php:330).

This code is reached only when the input variable is set by 
I mean setting a variable by ezcWorkflowExecution::setVariable(). There 
is no condition check.

Maybe explanation by example - the following code doesn't suspend, 
shouldn't it?:

// $this is a subclass of ezcWorkflow
$set = new ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet(
                 'intVar' => 'stringValue'

$input = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(
                    'intVar' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsInteger()



Sebastian Bergmann schrieb:
> Trixy wrote:
>> Thats why i wondered why workflows are running through with any input 
>> variable content although the input variable is conditioned.
>  I am not sure what you are saying here.
>> Lacks my view or the code?
>  The conditions attached to input variables are, of course, evaluated
>  (in src/interfaces/execution.php:330).
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