On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, James Pic wrote:

> Tobias Schlitt wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > On 06/24/2008 01:59 PM James Pic wrote:
> > > We want protocol specific variables in the protocol specific view-handler.
> > > That means, that the request parser should take some variables and put it
> > > somewhere for the view-manager later.
> > 
> > > OPtions we could think of:
> > > - add protocol specific variables in the input object,
> > > - make two input objects, a raw input object and a protocol abstract input
> > >   object
> > 
> > I'd go for the first version. In case more information must be
> > transported, one can extend the input object.
> Other possibility::
>   <?php
>   // 0) This request object has protocol specific stuff
>   $request = $requestParser->createRequest();
>   // 1) Make the abstract input object
>   $input = $request::createInput();

The $input object could be an child class of the request input object, 
so that you still *could* pass it to the controller, but you really 
shouldn't. This makes this more flexible for the cases where you want it 
to, but you'd lose the nice encapsulation. By creating an input object 
then you make it clean, but more restrictive.

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