
I just went through the design draft I wrote together with Bertrand for
2 new features we plan to implement in PersistentObject 1.5 (2008.2):

- Identity map
- Relation pre-fetching

The identity map feature will avoid to have 2 different objects
representing the same database data in one request. In addition it will
save some duplicate SQL queries if e.g. an object is attempted to be
loaded twice. The relation pre-fetching will allow you to fetch a set oj
objects and their relatives in one query.

The design can be found in SVN


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Please review the design draft and post your comments here. Especially
interessting are the open issues in both designs, so I also paste them here:

Identity map

- Making the identity map a decorator to ezcPersistentSession would
  design wise be a nicer solution, but also has some flaws:

  - No transparent replacement of current $session objects possible, due
    to instanceof checks. Maybe introduce a common interface (would also
    allow different implementations of ezcPersistentSession in future)?

  - It would make sense to allow the identity mapping session to access
    certain protected functionality (creation of queries, execution,
    ...). This could be solved by making the affected methods public and
    documenting them as protected.

- Do we need an option to explicitly reload (load()) an object?
  refresh() on the existing version is more logical.

- loadIfExists() can return null. Should this result be cached or should
  the method try to load again if no object has been loaded
  successfully, yet?

- The updates to perform in the delete() method can become quite time
  consuming if all caching facilities are switched on.

- A nice idea would be to enable the replacement of
  ezcPersistentIdentityMap with a custom implementation. For example it
  could make sense to offer a PersistentObjectCacheTiein to have the
  identity map cache objects to disc (request by BD).

Relation pre-fetching

- PersistentObject allows multiple relations between the same PHP
  classes (see design 1.4). This leads to problems in the definition of
  the $relations array provided to the createFindQuery() method. It
  needs to be figured out how this information can be encoded there.

- It makes sense to use a decorated select query object to avoid the
  need for users to submit the $relations array twice: Once to the
  createFindQuery() method and once to the find() method. In
  ezcPersistentSession, it is currently required to submit the class
  name twice, which is redundant anyway. An idea would be to provide a
  generally decorated ezcQuerySelect class for PersistentObject, which
  would also orphan this redundant submission.

- Basically, this should be integrated with the
  ezcPersistentIdentitySession, because the related objects can then
  simply be store in the relation cache and be retrieved using
  getRelatedObjects() as usual. This requires only very few code changes
  for migrating users (just adding the fetches in a central place).

Thanks ín advance for every input.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vennlig hilsen / With kind regards

Tobias Schlitt (GPG: 0xC462BC14) eZ Components Developer

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