Hi Sebastian et al,

yesterday I dived for the first time into ezcWorkflow to check whether I
can use it for a new project. We need to crawl a large abount of web
sites and define data extraction "workflows" for different types of
sites. These workflows consist of filters that are applied on the
original html source. Filters can be chained and the output of one
filter can be the input of n filters, which leads to a directed acyclic
So my problem seems to be in the domain of graph oriented programming
and ezcWorkflow has many characteristics I need. Still it does not fit
due to four problems. Some of these problems may transform in feature

1. There are no means to pipe data from one node to the next.
   This is the major problem, which I don't think will be addressed,
   because it's not the scope of an activity based workflow engine like

2. Exceptions are not supported.
   If the data extraction process fails, I need to stop the workflow
   execution, but still needs to preserve the current state for later
   I'd like to simply throw a PHP exception from my custom workflow
   nodes. In such case the execution engine should freeze the execution
   and NOT delete the workflow from the database.

3. The state of executed nodes is not persisted after execution left the node,
   but we want to know the state of all nodes in case of errors.
   This may be a feature request: Have a flag to preserve the state of
   already executed nodes until the whole workflow has successfully been

4. There is no predefined way to model the fact, that certain nodes require
   certain types of input. 
   This is a problem for my use case, but does not fit into ezcWorkflow
   I think.

Best regards,
Thomas Koch, Software Developer

Young Media Concepts GmbH
Sonnenstr. 4
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

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