Hello all

I've recently been playing with svn r9721 MvcTools and something
struck me as odd while running through the "hello" example

Isn't the url prefix an environment specific concern?
Surely the environment abstraction (i.e. ezcMvcHttpRequestParser)
should deal with this?

The implementation in the example would break under usage with php -r
(although I'm only using this to highlight the environmental aspect
and do not condone such fluffy kitten killing usage) as SCRIPT_NAME is
set to a single hyphen.

It strikes me that this data also probably belongs in the request
struct for purposes such as the "installRoot" usage in the example so
that logic is not duplicated.

If there is justification for deferring this responsibility to the
application I'll quite happily go crawl back under my rock :)

Thanks in advance & kind regards

Mike Simons
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