Hi Toby,

your question may be an additional use case for an
ezcPersistentObjectCollection class, which I've started just thursday.
My use case was, to get an array of a specific property of all
persistent objects in the collection. You could add a method to get an
array of the objects with the idProperty as keys.


class ezcPersistentObjectCollection
     * The class of the objects in this collection
     * @var string
    private $class;

     * The objects of this collection, all of type $this->class
     * @var mixed
    private $objects = array();

     * Persistent Session instance for the given objects.
     * @var ezcPersistentSession
    private $pos;

    public function __construct( ezcPersistentSession $pos, Array $objects = 
array() )
        $this->pos = $pos;

        if( !empty( $objects ) )
            $class = $this->class = get_class( $objects[0] );

            foreach( $objects as $object )
                if( !get_class( $object ) === $class )
                    throw new Exception( 'Collection has been initialized for 
class '.$class.' but got object of class '.get_class( $object ) );
                $this->objects[] = $object;

    public function getPropertyValues( $property )
        $values = array();

        foreach( $this->objects as $object )
            $values[] = $object->$property;
        return $values;

Best regards,
Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro
YMC AG, http://www.ymc.ch

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