
as announced in IRC some weeks ago, I'd like to contribute YAML 
(http://yaml.org/) support for the Configuration component. I have to say, 
that I didn't looked deeper into the YAML specification and the Configuration 
component yet.

I think, the spec will be straight forward. The main idea is, to create 
setting groups based on the hierarchical levels concatenated by a slash (that 
is allowed for group names).

Most interestingly at the moment is, if I can base on existing solutions to 
read and write YAML files. Till now I found those possibilities:

- http://spyc.sourceforge.net:

plain PHP code, seems to be used by symfony, Version 0.3, MIT licence

- http://pecl.php.net/package/syck

PECL extension, version 1.0, PHP licence

I don't know yet how spec complete the solutions are and if they support 
comments - but I'll try to support comment reading and writing.

Spontaneously I'd vote for the PHP solution as it is easier to extend (if 
needed) and perhaps easier to use for people who are restricted to a specific 
PHP configuration.


- Is the pecl extension a no-go because of the requirement to install the 

- Is the MIT licence ok for bundling with eZ Components?

- Do you know some other solutions to read and write YAML?

- Which versions of YAML should be supported? (there are: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 where 
1.2 seems to be almost the same like 1.1 only with some very small changes in 
line break handling)

- Any other ideas/comments/wishes?

Have a nice day

Thomas Nunninger
Steinhalde 108
79117 Freiburg

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Mobil: 0163 7115153

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