Hello everybody,

Added requirement:
- Provide a fixture generator.

Any feedback will be appreciated!

eZ Component: Validator, Requirements
:Author: James Pic
:Revision: $Revision$
:Date: $Date$

Target and scope

The scope of this document is to describe the requirements for a component
providing classes to implement a structured data validator to develop
domain-driven applications.  This document does not describe the design of the
named component, but only summarizes the requirements for it to be discussed
on the developer mailing list.  Where suitable, design related topics will be
touched, but a dedicated design document is available, defining APIs, classes
and the architectural structure of the component.

Note that if you don't understand a term, you should have a look at the
section `Clarification of terms`_.



The goal of the Validator component is to give users a basis for implementing
structured data for applications written in PHP 5.

eveloping a model driven `Software Framework`_ requires coding a re-usable
API, loosely coupled with the application specific data structures itself.

This means, in MVC terms, that changing the data structure should not cause
any change of the Controller, Model or View layer - unless any has behaviours
overloaded for application specific needs - making it much easier to test any
M, V, C layers.

Current implementation

A hack for javascript hack for Django admin app was releasing under WTFPL
license: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1358/
It is useful with model-inheritance or metaclasses.

This component should not require metaclasses or validator-wrapper
inheritance, but would make it possible.

Component integration

eZ Components already provides libraries that are useful for implementing a
`Software Framework`_.
One basic goal of eZ Components is to keep each component as independent as
possible and to realize dependencies through so-called tie-in components.
Therefore the mechanisms realized in an `Software Framework`_ component
should be that far abstracted, that other components can be tied in and
provide only very basic implementations on its own.
This also allows users to implement their own mechanisms. The following
components have been identified as possible tie-ins:

- PersistentObject_ (models)
- DatabaseSchema_ (models)
- Workflow_ (crud controller)
- MvcTools_ (user interface)
- UserInput_ (controllers)

.. _PersistentObject: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/PersistentObject
.. _DatabaseSchema: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/DatabaseSchema
.. _MvcTools: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/MvcTools
.. _UserInput: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/UserInput
.. _Workflow: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Workflow

For each of these components a tie-in component could considered to be
implemented at a later stage. This should be kept in mind when designing the
classes/interfaces for the Validator component component.

A repository implementation could be provided, coupling phpillow_, a CouchDB

Design requirements

- A data structure definition coded with the Validator component should not
 require loading any library other than the Validator compnonent and user
 defined classes (no UI_, ORM_, DBAL_, MVC_ implementations ...).
- Structured data should contain their own definitions.
- Support for two-way development: reverse engineer existing storage data
- Never require data structure change propagation: let the user concentrate
on his application specific `Software Framework`_.
- Support for client (PHP) side state full constraints (validator mutation).
- Data structure validation, diff.
- Support for data structure validators encapsulation: validator wrapping.
- Support for validators agregating and inheritance.
- Support for data structures creation "on-the-fly".
- Support for multiple storage models:
- Provide a fixture generator.

 - eZPublish_
 - CouchDB_

Special Considerations

We should keep testing capabilities for the extensions to this component and
the applications build upon it in mind during the design and implementation

We cannot provide the testing environment itself:

- Does not fit into the component
- Our test "component" is not an official component and can only be used to
 test eZ Components themselves.

Clarification of terms

.. _Repository: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html
.. _Software Framemork: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_Framework
.. _MVC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-controller
.. _UI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UI
.. _ORM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping
.. _DBAL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBAL
.. _Naked Objects: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_objects
.. _CRUD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
.. _OAOO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_and_only_once

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