
Am Dienstag, 24. März 2009 09:47:05 schrieb Derick Rethans:
> On Mon, 23 Mar 2009, Thomas Nunninger wrote:
> > we (my brother Josef and I) had a look at the YAML specification and
> > wrote the requirements draft that you find attached to this mail.
> Looks good, but as discussed on IRC, I would add the following points:
> - part of the requirements should be the configuration tie-in, as that's
>   still the most asked question related to YAML.
> - there should be an implementation of or two backeneds (pecl
>   extensions) — if not only to see how feasible it would be to integrate
>   them.
> regards,

$ svn diff requirements.txt
Index: requirements.txt
--- requirements.txt    (Revision 16)
+++ requirements.txt    (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -113,10 +113,15 @@

 - It should be possible to read from and write to arbitrary streams.

+- After implementing the YAML component there should be a configuration 
+  as that's the most asked question related to YAML.
+- There should be an implementation of at least one other backend - if not 
+  to see how feasible it would be to integrate them.


Thomas Nunninger
Steinhalde 108
79117 Freiburg

Tel.:  0761 1201850
Mobil: 0163 7115153

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