
After reading the tutorial and wide ranges of code base, to understand how
PersistentObject works with definitions and objects, I've got more and more

Finally I've ended up in
and createRelationFindQuery.

But I'm not sure about some things and class jumps within PersistentObject
module are very bad to read.

To understand, how it may work, a little example:
There is one table A. Table A has a column, which represents a key, which is
also a key (not primary key) within another table (table B)

Now a query should be done, which should:
- include a row set of rows from table A based on several where-clauses
- include all related rows from table B based
- order all complete row sets by a field from table B
- maybe limit result set

Currently, im using an example code, which
- get session, which is type of ezcPersistentSessionIdentityDecorator
$session = ezcPersistentSessionInstance::get();
- create query
$q       = $session->createFindQueryWithRelations('table_a',
- doing some where clauses
- do $objects = $session->find($q)

And now?

- $session->getRelatedObjects may not work on this, because therefore all
objects must be read in a foreach loop?
- $relatedObjectData = $session->getRelatedObjectSubset($object,
'table_b_def'); does the same?
So all Objects in list must be related in single mode?

Did I failed anywhere?

Maybe a look into ezcomponents book next week will clearify me a little bit

Christian Michel
Programmierung / Technik

SilverTours GmbH
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