On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 16:01 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> On 23-okt-06, at 14:23, Don Dailey wrote:
> > Then all the nonsense goes away.   It then comes down to each player
> > 
> > having his fate in his own hands.    If you want to win, you will
> > avoid
> > 
> > cycles,
> > 
> That's a rather bizarre proposal. Ko is so common in Go. It would mean
> that he who is ahead would have to concede every possible ko, even
> some extremely unreasonable ones. In those cases where the game
> balances on the ko (which is a high percentage) you'd get a draw. 

I'm not very good at GO, but I would assume that it would change the
game some.   But it would be a change that was adjusted to.  Knowing how
to avoid these situations would be part of a good players strategy.  

How bad would it be?   Would it create a situation where good players
couldn't beat significantly weaker players any longer?

By the way,  I'm not really proposing this.   I'm just thinking out

- Don

> Mark

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