I assume in Go the difference is also a very large handicap.
in any case, i think that the difference is probably much larger than just one or two stones. :)

It is said if has 4 stones handicap, every Pro will accept games play with God even if bet his life.

When in limited local fighting like TumeGo, Pro plays just like God.


One has to differentiate: In chess humans play very close to optimal in the subset of chess which is played by humans. But this is only a very small subset of what is really playable. E.g. There is currently a match between Kramnik and Fritz. I showed the Kramnik team a game were Hydra crashes Fritz in an important variation with a rook v. bishop sacrifice. But the team said: Theoretcially convincing, but of no use for us. Kramnik can not play this tactical massacre against a computer. Thats unhuman chess.

Humans are very far away from optimal play in unknown positions. E.g. they are helpless against a perfect endgame database. Such a DB plays from the human point of view completly crazy moves. A human opponent would never play this. In human-machine matches it is very important for the machine team to deviate from the human-patterns and to get a "chaotic" position. In the preperation for the Adams-Hydra match we spent a lot of effort to deviate as soon as possible from known opening theory and also that the programm plays "strange" moves which are not necessarily optimal. The only requirement was, that this "strange" moves are not really bad. This is completly sufficient against a human. My personal criterion was: When the Hydra chess expert GM Lutz said "Hmmm, whats this", I asked him if its bad. If he could not give a convincing reason why its bad within 10 seconds, it was a very good move against Adams (but not against God).

I think the same will happen also in Go. They have only a chance if God plays human-Go. But against non-human moves they are certainly as helpless as the chess-players. I assume its even worse, because Go is more pattern related and more complex than chess.


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