Are we to assume that Size is starting to get good at 9x9 and can beat
Gnugo consistently?

- Don

Peter Woitke has done a great job in the last month. He deserves the "Hero of the Suzie work" medal. Especially he fixed a lot of bugs. But on 19x19 its still not satisfactory, so Peter gave it a try on 9x9. To his surprise its much stronger than Peters own programm GoAhead. On 19x19 GoAhead is still clearly better. So he started to play with Gnu-Go. But thats still a little bit too weak. Suzie does not win all the time but she is already better. Peter does his experiments with a fixed depth 7 ply search. I want to improve the search in the next time. E.g. introducing time control, permanent brain, rote-learning.... Some basic things every chess programm has. But if the opponent is already beaten 70% of the time, its difficult to measure the effects. Therefore I am looking for an opponent which is at least as good.

Attached is best of Suzie (or worst of Gnu-Go). But its not always like this.

Yes, I forgot to mention that. KGS tournaments are only played once a month but there is nothing like the stress of a tournament to bring out bugs,and poblems.

This is a very good rate of playing. Playing constantly is pointless, because one has always already something new. But one can make every month a stable version and look how it plays. Very stupid question: Were to I get a fool-proof description how to join the tournament? You know I am from the generation, were one travelled to tournament, shake hand with the programmer of the opponent, entered the moves by hand.... These internet tournaments are also a cultural shock.


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