>> Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud might be cheaper @ $0.10 per instance-hour 
>> consumed.
>  doesn't the 'amazing amazon elastic waistband' require you to write
>  all of your code using windows-based hooks?  that kind've turns me off.

You may be confusing with "Amazon Simple Storage Service" (which I've
not studied). The compute cloud gives you a linux instance:

This is suited to go programs that can work on a cluster.

The playstation multiprocessing looks very different: you get 1 general
purpose CPU and 6 specialized CPUs. Their key feature is they have 256K
of local memory - this is not cache, it is all the memory they can
access. Not useful for UCT designs (which seem memory-limited currently)
but fine for normal monte-carlo.

It may also be ideal for running tactical search. In fact tactical
search is around 6/7ths of the CPU cycles in a traditional go program,
so a perfect fit?


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