On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 13:56 -0500, House, Jason J. wrote:

>   It's been a very long time since housebot got the final status list
> wrong at the end of a game.  I'll check with "ujh" who was running the
> bots to see if we have a kgs log of what happened at the end of that
> game.  
>   By default, housebot 0.4 plays until all stones are decided by
> Benson's algorithm for unconditionally safe stones.  Otherwise,
> housebot plays in the uncertain regions until it kills something or
> leaves itself in atari.  That makes final status list very easy to
> answer.  This is also why it filled its eye in the seki later on.
>   There are a few scenarios where that method leads to a position it
> can't score correctly, but they're very rare and didn't come up in the
> idiotbot game.  Going into cleanup (at all) seems rather strange to me
> since I have faith in both housebot 0.4 and IdiotBot's handling of the
> final status list dead.
>   Alas, this is all speculation until I can see the logs.

Based on kgsGtp docs if HouseBot doesn't implement kgs-genmove_cleanup
it will claim all stones as alive. This is change from KGS2 tournaments.

In short:
1) You must support both kgs-genmove_cleanup and final_status_list
2) You must capture dead opponent stones by playing before you pass
(like at CGOS).

kgsGtp docs say this:

KGS and Tournament Games

Tournament games are similar to ranked games but even
stricter. Tournament play with kgsGtp is designed with a goal of
allowing GTP vs. GTP play with no human intervention and no scoring
disputes. Because of this, it is required that engines prove the
status of dead groups, either with the kgs-genmove_cleanup command or
by playing until all dead stones are removed from the board.

In tournament play, when the game ends, there are two possibilities:

Engine Supports kgs-genmove_cleanup and final_status_list: The engine
will be queried as normal at the end of the game. If the engine
disagrees with the stones that the opponent marks dead, then play will
continue with the genmove requests replaced by
kgs-genmove_cleanup. After the engine passes, it will be assumed that
all stones in play are alive. This is the same as normal ranked play.

Engine is Missing Support for kgs-genmove_cleanup and/or
final_status_list: In this case the engine is not capable of resolving
disputes after scoring, so the engine must resolve all disputes during
play. The engine will claim that all stones on the board (by either
player) are alive. If the opponent disagrees, then kgsGtp will
continue to insist all stones are alive.

Thus, if two engines that both support the cleanup system play, any
disagreements will be resolved by continuing play; after the cleanup
phase, all stones will be considered alive by both engines. If one
that supports cleanup plays one that does not, the engine that
supports cleanup will be forced to play on until it also considers all
stones alive. If neither engine supports cleanup, then disagreement is
not possible, since both engines must play until all dead stones are

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