Peter Drake wrote:
> There are a number of definitions of solved, ranging from "a program
> exists that can beat any human" to "we can quickly determine, for any
> position, the best move and the result under optimal play". In the
> latter strong sense, I believe Go has only been solved up to 5x5,
> maybe 6x6.
> There are some games, such as Hex, for which we know who wins from
> the starting position given optimal play, but we don't know how to
> figure out the best move.

Another interesting question would be the score (eg. territorry) that
black/white can reach assuming "perfect" play on both sides. If we knew
that, a perfectly fair komi could be calculated. From what I know, even
chess is still unsolved conserning this matter - noone knows if white (or
even black) can force a win.


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