On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 01:42 +0000, Aidan Karley wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  wrote:
> > Sorry, but how do you what future quantum computers can churn so much 
> > data?
> >
>        Chris Fant isn't a modern-day human but an android sent back 
> through a wormhole from future times (Future ^2, Left  **7, Right **.13, 
> to the root of SQRT(-1) in hex coords). But he'll self-destruct before 
> admitting such, so lines of questioning like this will yield, at best, 
> an uninteresting silence.
>        Ooops, I've said too much. <Boom>

I suspected as much.  He has been curiously silent since his last
transmission - I think he may have returned to his former dimension.

- Don

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