Here is another MC speedup trick. I think it may have been mentioned 
before but it's worth repeating.
     This applies to the case where my program is going to run N playout games 
and then select the most visited node as its move for that turn (which will not 
always be the node with the highest percentage of wins). It is rarely necessary 
to run all N playout games.
     After more than half of the playout games have been completed, some moves 
may become mathematically eliminated because they have been visited too few 
times for them to be able to catch up to the leader. So, at regular intervals 
thereafter, I can perform a popularity pruning operation at the root. If there 
are M playout games to go, and a move at the root would need more than M more 
visits to catch up with the most popular (visited) move, then any further 
playout games through that move would be wasted. I might as well prune it now. 
When all but one move at the root has been pruned away, no further playout 
games are needed for this turn. Popularity pruning averages to about a 20% 
speedup free and clear.
     Of course, one can prune a move at the root a little earlier, or prune 
moves beyond the root, but then you have moved into a different regime.
- Dave Hillis
antminder on KGS
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