Personally, I use the terminology in much the same way as Heikki.  I
use the word "mistake" to describe (for example) a move that loses a
large group, but does not change the game from a win to a loss.  It
makes sense to me to generally apply "mistake" to any move that loses
points relative to the best move on the board.  The term "blunder"
means, essentially, a move that lost the game.  It can be quite
difficult, of course, to determine unambiguously whether or not a
particular move is a blunder.  In an otherwise close match, a large
mistake (i.e., loses many points) is probably a blunder.  Toward the
end of a close game, it may be possible to find unambiguous blunders,
and some of these could be single point mistakes.


On 1/23/07, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 08:16:07PM -0800, Ray Tayek wrote:
> >I don't know the percentage of blunders. It also depends on what you
> >call a blunder. Is a 1 point mistake a blunder?
> no, maybe 10 or more points

My gut feeling is that a real blunder is enough to loose the game.
Between equally strong players, a one point mistake can be a blunder, if
it was late in the yose, and the game was won by half a point. On the
other hand, throwing away a 20-stone group may not be a blunder if you
were already going to loose by 100 points. It could even be a
(mis?)calculated risk, ignoring a threatening move in order to get an
attack on an even larger group, even if that attack later turns out not
to work...

Just my uninformed gut feeling, of course.


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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