On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 17:41 +0000, Stuart A. Yeates wrote:
>  0.  with probably P, play a random move (using the same selection
> methodology as the random player)
>            1. play 1 random game.
>            2. If black wins,  play one of the first N black moves in
>         the
>               play-out  (all-as-first, for me it's some-as-first.)
>            3. If white wins, play one of the black move NOT in the
>         play-out. 
>            4. Crush a random player!
> Surely by varying P, you can get a player arbitarily close to the
> random player?
> Or am I missing something?

This is actually the way I ended up implementing it,  I play a random
move with some probability, otherwise I do the 1 play-out thing.    

It feels like an ugly hack although it was practical enough to suit me.

- Don

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