On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 20:18 -0800, David Doshay wrote:
> I would highly recommend that you do your testing against
> a different Go engine. Self-play is a weak indicator.
> Cheers,
> David

I agree that there is a pretty good amount of in-transitivity
with self-play.

However there is not a practical way to test with another
program that I can see.  You don't get reliable ELO ratings
with programs significantly stronger or weaker.   

For instance if you play 1000 games, there is huge rating
difference between beating an opponent once, or twice in
these thousand games - and if that is your expectancy,  you
would have to play many hundreds of thousands of games to
get a very precise measurement.    

Because UCT is a full tree search, I am not as concerned
as I would be with SlugGo for instance,  (although I agree
it's still a problem) because Slugo uses gnugo directly
to choose it's moves there is a highly incestuous relationship.

- Don

> On 26, Jan 2007, at 5:39 PM, Don Dailey wrote:
> > Here are some early results on the scalability study.
> >
> > Basically, level 2 beats level 1 83.6 percent of the time.
> >            level 4 beats level 2 90.0 percent of the time.
> >
> > Where a level is number of play-outs divided by 1024
> >
> > Approximately 300 ELO between levels.  I fixed level 1 to have
> > an ELO of zero.
> >
> > Of course these numbers are still rough as there has only be
> > a few games played between players so far.
> >
> > - Don
> >
> >
> >
> >  games    win%  score  Match Up
> > ------  ------  -----  ------------------------------------------
> >     55   16.4%  159.0  0001     0002
> >
> >     55   83.6%  202.0  0002     0001
> >     30   10.0%  153.2  0002     0004
> >
> >     30   90.0%  207.8  0004     0002
> >
> >
> >
> >  Rating  Win perc  Tot Gms  Ave Time  Player
> > -------  --------  -------  --------  ------
> >   589.1    90.000       30     396.5  0004
> >   269.1    57.647       85     225.3  0002
> >     0.0    16.364       55     120.7  0001
> >
> > Black wins:       37      43.5 %
> > White wins:       48      56.5 %
> >
> >
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