On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 08:59 -0500, Chris Fant wrote:
> I thought that the memory boundedness was completely fixed by not
> expanding a UCT node until it has been visited X number of times.
> Just increase X until you are no longer memory bound.  I don't recall
> anyone reporting a loss in playing strength by doing this.

There is a loss of playing strength as X grows,  but the loss 
grows very slowly.
Obviously, if you set X really high, it would not build much
of a tree and it would play very weak.

I have been planning to make this dynamic in Lazarus, but I
have not done so yet.   The idea is that X starts at 1 but
when the table fills up there is a consolidation pass where
the table is rebuilt, child nodes may fold back into their 
parents and X gets reset to a higher value.  As the search 
proceeds this may happen a few time, perhaps doubling the 
value of X each time.

In this way the program continues to scale smoothly.  There
is never a sudden out of memory wall and you can set the table
initiallly to any size that suits you.

I haven't bothered because I cannot detect a loss of strength
in values up to 100 but it's on my todo list - I know there is
a small loss of strength even if I cannot measure it.  

Right now, Lazarus simply stops searching and returns a move
when this happens, but I have X set high enough that it can
think for many minutes.

- Don

> On 2/8/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think there are 15 first moves in 9x9 go if you factor out the
> > symetries.
> > UCT isn't good at evauating all the moves, it will pick one of them and
> > spend most of it's time on it.    But you could search each 1 at a time.
> >
> > The UCT programs are memory bound, so you could search each of these 15
> > moves 1 at a time and study the scores.
> >
> > - Don
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 04:41 -0800, steve uurtamo wrote:
> > > > The average score can contain a very large proportion of losees if it is
> > > > compensated by bigger wins.
> > >
> > > yes, it is easy to see how this might cripple the play of an MC player.
> > >
> > > that 90% territory win that requires 3 opponent blunders is tempting 
> > > enough
> > > to ignore the fact that all other non-blundering lines lead to 0.5 point 
> > > losses.
> > >
> > > i wonder if this kind of greediness might, however, be useful for 
> > > selecting,
> > > say, the first move or two in a 9x9 game.  the thinking here is that 
> > > since the
> > > endgame is essentially noise at this point, you might as well be greedy
> > > before tactics become an issue.  that's probably faulty intuition, though.
> > >
> > > on another note, has anyone just let their MC code rip for a day or two 
> > > (or
> > > maybe a week or more) on the first move alone?  i would think that if you
> > > ordered the distribution of the resulting list, it would give very good 
> > > information
> > > about how well MC acts as a board-eval function.  (i.e. turn off all book 
> > > lines,
> > > turn off all rules about not playing on the first line or two early in 
> > > the game, etc.
> > > etc.  turn off all heuristics related to the opening and then print the 
> > > distribution
> > > over the board).  what are the top, say, 10 moves on a 9x9 board and how 
> > > are
> > > they distributed, and the top, say, 40 moves on a 19x19 board along with 
> > > their
> > > distribution?  if you fold board symmetries into your search, i suppose 
> > > that you
> > > can get a factor of 8 here.
> > >
> > > my thinking is that if it's anything other than a very smooth 
> > > distribution among
> > > the top moves, that's a good indicator.
> > >
> > > s.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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