Thank you for your answer. However, I am even more confused now. I understand 
that "-" is for negamax, but I don't understand why it became "1-". I am trying 
to implement your algorithm and I just want to know what lines 7, 16 and 26 
should be?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Sylvain Gelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dmitry Kamenetsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:03:08 +0100
Subject: Re: [computer-go] UCT vs MC

> Hello Dmitry,
> >> Your code says that the value is backed up by sum and negation (line 26,
> > >> value := -value).  But I don't see any negative values in your sample
> > tree,
> > >> or values greater than one.  How do you actually back up values to the
> > >> root?
> > >Sorry, it is value := 1-value. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.
> >
> > I am confused about value. What is it actually storing? I thought
> > node[i].value stores the number of wins (for Black) for node i. Then why
> > some of the values in Figure 1 not integer?
> >
> > If line 26 is now value := 1-value, then should some of the other lines
> > also change? For example should line 7 be updateValue(node,
> > 1-node[i].value), and line 16 be else v[i]:= (1-node.childNode
> > [i].value)/node.childNode[i].nb+sqrt(...)?
> You're right there were some confusion :-).
> In fact it is very simple. The "-" is here because it is negamax and not
> minimax, so that you can always take the max of the value (but the value is
> negated every 2 levels). The value stored then corresponds to the value of
> "the player to play" in the node.
> It seems that node[i].value indeed keeps the number of wins for the player
> to play in node i. the "1-" does not exist.
> In Figure 1, it is an example of UCT in general case, where the reward is
> not always in [0,1]. And the values displayed in the nodes are the averages.
> So that explains the non integers and the values not in [0,1].
> > Can you also update all the changes in your report? Thank you.
> I'll try to find sometime to do that. Can't tell it will be soon though.
> Regards,
> Sylvain
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