Chris Fant wrote:
Once upon a time, I did analysis of the inaccuracy of pseudo liberties.
Searching quickly, I found:

For any interested, I did come up with a variant of pseudo liberties
that was a lot closer to real liberties.  My post about "local
liberties" is here:

As far as I know, pseudo-liberties are only used for detecting a
capture or detecting atari.  If this method you suggest has some value
beyond that, then I'm interested to learn more about it.  But the
message that you linked seems to leave out a lot of details.  You give
conclusions, but I am left wondering how to do my own "open triangle

Local liberties can be used for more purposes... It gives bounds on the number of liberties a chain has. The bounds are quite tight for smaller chains, and for larger chains, the liberty counts are usually high enough that an exact count isn't needed.

Open triangle tracking is fairly straightforward. You can detect all newly created and destroyed open triangles by examining the 8 stones surrounding the newly placed stone.

I've implemented the local liberties algorithm in HouseBot. While not the fault of the liberty tracking method, the latest HouseBot version doesn't really use it. (It stopped getting used properly in 0.4 when code was added that loops over all liberties of every chain after every move). If you're still interested in an implementation, I can look up the best source revision to look at...
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