On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 09:17 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 7.5 komi is for the 19x19 game (7.5/361). It may not be correct for
> the 9x9 (7.5/81). From games played on CGOS what is the correct
> komi?   

It's my strong feeling that 7.5 is the right komi if you are to use
fractional komi to avoid draws.    A strong player
who played Mogo feels that it's easy to win as white because of the
7.5 komi - so it's possible we are using the "wrong" komi.    

However, in studies I have run with much wekaer versions of Lazarus,
7.5 is the fairest possible (fractional) komi for computer vs
computer play.    These studies indicate that with weaker players,
lower komi's work better - so that is further evidence that you
should not go lower than 7.5 with strong computers.   

In view of a statement by a strong player that it is easy to win
as white against Mogo with 7.5 komi,  I must hypothesize that 
the correct komi is 7.0 and that on such a small board,  the
extra half stone makes a big difference to a strong player.  I
would also hypothesize that this same player would find 6.5
komi easy to win as black.   

Other than the studies I have done,  I am in no position to
make such judgements,  I am not a go player and I guess you
could say I don't really know what I am talking about.  
However the studies were pretty convincing,  so the best
I can do is present my reasoning about the 7.0 komi and why
I feel it's probably the value that is correct - based on
empirical evidence, not any domain specific knowledge on
my part.

I would love to get an opinon from a professional player on
this issue and I want to use the best fractional komi on

- Don

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