Sylvain, could you run the same test on 7x7 to verify that there the
'correct' komi would be 9 (try 8.5 vs 9.5)? If MoGo wouldn't converge
to 9 we probably shouldn't have much confidence in the generalisation
of the above results for higher levels of play on 9x9 (or you could be
on your way to discover an error in the human solution for 7x7 :-).
Either way I think it would be interesting to know what comes out...

I can, and I will run them this night.
However, I am sure that for MoGo_3k the right komi will be far from 9,
because MoGo_3k is too weak to find the "9 more points" line of
The "correct 9 points" komi is for "perfect play" (as far as we know,
of course there is no proof). But our players are not perfect, so what
we care about is find a good komi for our programs level.

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